Daniel Zimmerman

Name of Primary Practitioner
Daniel Zimmerman
Business Excerpt
M.S.W. 7 - 981 Gulf Pl. Ottawa Ontario K1K 3X9 613-274-2883 dsottawa@rogers.com. Are you getting everything you want from your life? If not what gets in your way? Explore alternative and traditional lifestyle issues in a safe supportive non-judgmental environment. Over 25 years experience in individual couple and family counseling. BDSM experienced including scene/vanilla relationships. Also experienced in improving communication skills; gender identity; substance abuse; depression; parenting skills; and domestic violence. Sliding fee scale with $65 minimum per session. Long-distance counseling also available.
Business Description

M.S.W. 7 - 981 Gulf Pl. Ottawa Ontario K1K 3X9 613-274-2883 dsottawa@rogers.com. Are you getting everything you want from your life? If not what gets in your way? Explore alternative and traditional lifestyle issues in a safe supportive non-judgmental environment. Over 25 years experience in individual couple and family counseling. BDSM experienced including scene/vanilla relationships. Also experienced in improving communication skills; gender identity; substance abuse; depression; parenting skills; and domestic violence. Sliding fee scale with $65 minimum per session. Long-distance counseling also available.

Business Phone Number
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Business Address
7-981 Gulf Pl
ZIP Code
K1K 3X9

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