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Sanctuary Repose LLC
Business Name
Name of Primary Practitioner
Jonathan Bowling
Business Excerpt
Massage therapy and healing space in Baltimore, Maryland
Gender of Practitioner
Holistic Massage Training Institute & Anne Arundel Community College- Degree in Massage Therapy
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Contact Email
Business Address
50 Scott Adam Rd Suite 107 Cockeysville
Maryland 21030
Internet Based Business
Both Remote and Brick and Mortar
Tell us about the payment options you accept and any additional insurance details.
Credit/Debit Card, Cash, Paypal... We are currently trying to branch out to insurance companies and will have updates soon. Delays are expected due to many insurance companies refusing coverage of massage therapy.
Poly Awareness Level
Kink Awareness Level
Awareness Notes
As the owner of Sanctuary Repose, I have lived experience as a person involved with kink and polyamory, and I have also experienced first hand the damage done to myself and others via professionals who view these lifestyles and identities in a skewed, discriminatory, or ignorant lens. This practice is a safe space to be authentically you. It is normal for clients to discuss their everyday lives, including their significant others, as they lie on our treatment tables. For those with non-monogamous relationship structures, it can feel very difficult to speak about normal, everyday occurrences without feeling ostracized or judged, but we hear you here. We don't offer couples, throuples, or polycule massage because we do not have enough staff to provide services at once. However, we would love to schedule back to back services for you, your partners, and metamours, or offer relaxing day-retreats for up to 8 individuals to allow polyamorous people a safe place to relax and receive therapeutic treatments. We understand that kink is oftentimes not related to trauma at all, but for the individuals who do use it as a form of trauma-healing, we hold safe space to express your paths to recovery without judgment. Regardless of how you've found your interests in kink, we know what expressions of kink can look like on the body, and we embrace your autonomy to consent to your own choosing of activities without concern of invasive questioning or reporting. Stay safe, have fun, and keep being yourself. We welcome you just as you are. -Jonathan
Swinger (Lifestyle) Awareness Level